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Koala LED-light with solar power

Koala LED-light with solar power

10 030 poeng
eller 311 kr
Opptjen 311 poeng


The POWERplus Koala combines functional ultra bright light with warm and cozy realistic flame light. Open the Koala and you see ultra bright white LED light, so you can read a book, creating light in the dark. Close and open the Koala again to activate the cozy moving LEDs: looks like a real flame. Practical and cozy light in one compact lightweight product!

The Koala also has an integrated powerbank (USB 5V/1A), so you can charge your mobile products as well.

Dual power: powered by the integrated (replaceable) rechargeable Li-Ion 18650 battery (2.600 mAh) or 3*AA alkaline batteries (alkaline batteries are not included).

NOTE: The built-in solar cell on this product is to be considered an emergency feature as it may require many hours, and in some cases days, in direct sunlight under optimal conditions to fully charge the battery. If the product is charged through a window glass, the charging capacity can be reduced by 50% or more. If you want faster charging than the built-in solar cell can provide, you need to supplement with a separate solar panel with a larger surface area. Normally, you charge the product fastest via wall adapter, USB port or dynamo (if available) and then use the built-in solar cell for supplementary charging.

Om PowerPlus

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Powerplus är marknadsledare inom förnyelsebara energidrivna produkter. Deras produkter använder mänsklig kraft (dynamo), sol, vind eller vattenkraft som strömkälla. Deras program är det största inom temat världen över. Att skapa eko-energidrivna produkter med hög kvalitet ligger i deras natur och produkterna ska också vara billiga, miljövänliga samt oberoende av elnätet.

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